
Joseph T. Harris American Legion Post 163


                                            MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

 YES! I’ll help my fellow veterans by becoming a member of The American Legion. I certify that I served at least

one day of active military duty during the dates marked below and was honorably discharged or am still

serving honorably. If discharged, please attach copy of DD-214, if still serving, attach copy of ID Card. 

After application is Completed, print and bring to Post 163, located at 1633 Atlanta Hwy. Statham, Ga 30666 

Wednesday mornings 9-11 am during our FREE Veterans Breakfast or Wednesday - Saturday 4 - 11 pm.



             Dates of Service                                                            Branch of Service

 _____April 6, 1917 – Nov  11 1918                                       U.S. ARMY                ______

______Dec 7, 1941 – until a time when the U. S. is -            U.S. NAVY                 ______

       No longer at war, as determined by Congress         U.S. AIR FORCE       ______

                                                                                                U.S. MARINE CORP ______

                                                                                                U.S. COAST GUARD ______

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City, State, Zip______________________________________

Birth Date: ________________ Email:________________________________

Phone:____________________If former Legion Member, my membership # is:_______________

Signature: __________________________________________________

My $40.00 check or money order is enclosed with copy of DD-214 or Military ID Card.

To obtain copy of DD-214 online:  https://www.archives.gov/veterans